Family Law - Domestic Violence

Family Law - Domestic Violence
Mrs A was referred to us for Family Law advice...
Mrs A was referred to us for Family Law advice following her engagement with the Victim's and Witness Unit within Northumbria Police. A telephone appointment was set up between Mrs A and our Solicitor where she informed us that she had contacted the police following her husband's abusive behaviour towards her and his refusal to leave the marital home. Mrs A stated that she had recently inherited some money that her husband persuaded her to purchase another property with. Once purchased, Mrs A's husband refused her access to the property and stated that she was to live in the marital home. Mrs A explained that her husband would moniter her whereabouts, meaning that she feared leaving her home in case he attempted to gain entry while she was out and prevent her from returning.
Mrs A discussed her options with our Solicitor to try and decide how best to proceed. They discussed whether a solicitor's warning letter would be appropriate to warn him that if his behaviour continues, she will make an application to the court for a civil injunction. Our Solicitor also explained to her how an Occupation Order could be applied for to restrict her husband's access to the property, as well as a Non-Molestation Order to prevent him from intimidating and harassing her. Mrs A believed that a warning letter would be a good starting point as she'd prefer to avoid going to court.
During the discussion with our Solicitor, Mrs A began to realise that she had been a victim of domestic abuse. She wanted to take back control of her life but did not have friends or family to confide in for support during this very challenging time. Due to their own previous experience as a Mental Health Advocate, our Solicitor was able to recognise that Mrs A would benefit from them checking in with her via telephone over the coming weeks to provide further support. She was also provided with contact details for domestic abuse agencies.
Given that Mrs A was a victim of financial abuse and wanted a divorce, our Solicitor suggested that she make enquiries with solicitors related to obtaining a divorce and her finances. Mrs A was reassured that our Solicitor would remain in contact until she had instructed a solicitor to deal with her case.
Mrs A managed to seek legal advice related to her divorce and financial situation. A letter was also sent to her husband about his threatening behaviour. Mrs A told us that the help and guidance she received from our solicitor had prevented her from ending her own life. As a result of the help and advice she received from NELC, Mrs A stated that she now feels safer and stronger, can leave her home without fear, and knows that she is not alone.